Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow day!!!!

2day I have a snow day!!!=0 ahhhhh!!!!Every time I write snow day!!! =0 ahhhhh!!!! I have to put that after it. so 2day school is cancelled (i would have gone to ArtQuest 2day) and so I'm kinda happy we have a snow day!!!=0 ahhhhh!!!! but kinda sad we have a snow day!!!=0 ahhhhh!!!! What do you think? Check out the new poll 4 it!!!!

P.S. my birth day is in 9 days and I'm having a club penguin partay! here are the places and times:
Server:Hibernate (if full, go to Klondike)
Day: Wednesday, March 11th
Time: 5:00 pm
Place in Server: Dance Night club (if it's crowded, we will go to the Snowball Forts)
ttyl, penguin