Thursday, January 1, 2009

Inside Morgan and Penguin's sleepover:Club Penguin Craze

hey-it's penguin and Morgan at Morgan's house @ like, 12:07 am and it's crazy (the clock below might be wrong) about how much fun it is to be on Club Penguin. We've been at this since 10:00 pm and haven't stopped. It's Awesome! Penguin's Nickname on Club Penguin is Supergirl38 and Morgan's is The Chose. If you happen to find us, say 'Awesome Blog' to us and we'll become your buddy. Yay!!! Instant Buddy!

Morgan's dropping by!!!!

Well, actually, I'M (penguin) dropping by my BFF Morgan's house and we are SOOOOOO bored, so we are now goin' to interveiw her:

Q: what's your 2 fav tv shows
A: well, i wouldnt like 2 be rude 2 the tv shows in the world BUTT i would say.......idk

Q:Do u like anyone(boyfriend, prehaps?)?
A: yes i have a boyfriend..................he is a red head

Q:Have you ever been dared to do something CRAZY.......then actually DID it??
A: YES I HAVE i was dared 2 jump off a porch 1.5 stories hurt

And The Winner Is...

Penguin! She's The "Better" Blogger! I, Squash, Lost By A Vote! Dangit! Cya - SquashyBoy99

New Year 2009!

Hey Guys! Its 2009! This Blog Is Still A'Gonna Be Up! Thx - SquashyBoy99

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Hey everyone around-guess what!!! right now it's 4 hours and 53 minutes until New Year!!! So if your in America, South America, Africa, Asia, or Europe, hope you havee a totally AWESOME New Year! Also, tell us about some crazy New Year's resolution that you have and send in a CRAZY tradition you have via comments. Have a great 2009!!!!!!!!!!! Only from....PENGUIN AND SQUASHY!!!!!

All The Gummy Bear (GummiBär) Songs!

Heres A Post By Squashy - LAST ONE OF 2008!

Some Weird Songs Songs By Your Favorite Stupid Gummybear!

Funny DJ:



CHO KA KA O (ChocoBear) :

That One Is The English One


*Haven't Heard Yet

Monday, December 29, 2008

my sister bridget is SICK!!!!! (written by penguin)

My Sister Bridget originally was going to the is water park with my cousins(without inviting ME!!!) from Saturday until Teusday but now she feels sick and my parents have to come pick her up while I'm here on my Grandparents computer (thank you Mor) for the whole time (6 hours)!!!!!!!! On the phone my aunt said that Bridget was throwing up EVERYWHERE!!!

E W W W W W W W W W! Here's what I think she looks like:

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Squashy Anime

Heres My Own Animation - Cooly!

Our Peace Signs!

peace out peace out peace out peace out peace out peace out peace out
well, not really! heres my real one!

And Heres Squashy's - Its AWESOME!

Squashy Is A Fan Of Animation - And Penguins A Fan Of Design!
P.S click on penguins pic to view the text inside (important!!!!)

A very PENGUIN post!

Oh yeah! now it's penguin's turn to party!!! Here's a video of a partying gummy bear in like, German or something. After this first vid, watsh one under it that says Gummibar-CHO KA KA O. It's a stupid and random vid about a stupid dancing Gummy bear with stupid chocalate and stupid dancing crabs in a stupid video game ( p.s this vid is stupid)I heart all of u! peace out!

A very Squashy post!!!

hi guys! This is my a very Squashy post!! We just got 50 posts on this blog!!!